Letter Lyrics

Each poem tells a narrative with only one letter of the alphabet;
using only words that begin with that one letter;
never repeating a word twice.

Letter B

Before boundaries and bases, behind the brainstorming and backdrop,
the big-time blameless builder brought a brainchild of brimming breadth; blowfish, birds and bears.
Between the bushes, Beelzebub began battle on a beautiful bride,
blindfolding and bewitching by blatant blasphemy,
bypassing belief and behaviour, bountifully besetting the bacteria of blemish and blight.

That brazen blabbermouth bully, bereft of bonafide bouquets, boosted befuddlement,
burning and bulldozing all belonging and befriending that bolsters bastion and buttress.
The breathtaking benevolent being bringing breath and boon,
bewildered the barbaric beast by brains and brawn,
broadcasting by bittersweet bulletin, the blockbuster birth and bail of the beloved begotten.

A brigade of boasters at Babylon boycotted by baked bricks, beginning a botched building,
the birthplace of babbling, the byproduct by which borders and biographies broadened,
bashing the boisterous into billions blind and bonkers.
Balak to Bathsheba, the brothers of Benjamin bucked the blessing of Bethel by binding bed to Baal,
becoming bloated broken bondslaves, bleeding by the bizarre bitter bombs of Belial.

That brute bull of bigotry and bottomless burglary, bribed the best bold bodyguards,
besieging and barging both battlefront and bassinet.
That bent behemoth, berated and beguiled beginners and bureaucrats,
baffling and battering blossoming bodies with brisk bad bait,
beating bachelors and bystanders into bland blackness and bequeathing big blame.

Behold, the bedrock begetter, bestowing from the bosom the branch to benefit and break,
blasted back the butcher and betrayer, whose business bought betterment, but backwards.
Basting the battleground with burst bowels and banishing the bogus boss by beaming brilliance,
the better Boaz bolted, to bear the bowing and bruised, with balm and bandage,
buying balance and bliss, befitting the bleak with boxes and boats of bonuses.

The blueprint baby, born at the bottom, brewed baskets of benison by bundles of beatitudes,
blazing a birthright, beyond bars of bondage, by burial and bleach of boundless blood.
By breakthrough benediction, bound to bands of baptized beneficiaries,
bygone brittle-boned beggars and backbiting belligerent barbarians,
became a booming breed of bright bejeweled believers, by the banquet of beefy bible bread.

I beseech and beg the brave, beside the briefly bummed and burdened,
to bop the bell and be a beacon bouncer, balking at bragging, bamboozled, berserk boys,
backing a biased boondoggle and brawling breakdown of bridegroom and book.
This blitzkrieg blowout, beckons bandwagons of bona fide backers, to brace and beware,
of bawdy broods, blundering basics and blotting breastplates of blooming brethren. 

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